Dennis van der Stelt

Dennis van der Stelt

I'm a developer, international speaker and coach/trainer. I love to discuss code, software architecture and distributed systems, messaging, star wars and lego with anyone who wants to listen or speak.
I currently work at Particular Software on NServiceBus.

AI pair programming

AI pair programming

Look at me, being all enthusiastic about AI

Shared database? Of course not!

Shared database? Of course not!

What is so bad about shared databases with microservices?

How to migrate from WordPress to Jekyll

How to migrate from WordPress to Jekyll

In this article I explain how I converted my weblog from WordPress to Jekyll

NDC Porto and Øredev

NDC Porto and Øredev

I presented at NDC Porto and Øredev

Podcasts & online usergroup

Podcasts & online usergroup

I've been interviewed in some podcasts...

BloggingAbout.NET migrated to Jekyll

BloggingAbout.NET migrated to Jekyll

A long awaited goal is finally here

Amazon Prime architecture didn’t change

Amazon Prime architecture didn’t change

The team at Amazon Prime published an article where they explain their move from serv...

Distributed Monolith

Distributed Monolith

How can a microservices-based architecture, that looked great on paper, turn into a s...

Priority Queues – Interceptors

Priority Queues – Interceptors

In the previous articles, I demonstrated why there is not really a need for priority ...