Most web users aren’t techy, like us!
It’s quite funny to read about how most users browse your website or web application. I’m talking about usability tests and what information they can provide to you, as a (web) developer.
At my company, some graphical designers are trying to teach us how our end users are reacting to what we’ve build. Carolyn Snyder wrote an article on some common mistakes developers use when building their website. Quit a funny read.
Go see it here.
(By clicking this link, a window opens, which is one of the mistakes I often make, because a lot of users will totally get lost. Their back button is grayed-out, they can’t find my website anymore, etc, etc. Ofcourse, I also might want to totally get rid of these people. Especially those that use the back button in my web applications! Microsoft should make it optional to turn this thing off!!! 😉