Dennis van der Stelt

Dennis van der Stelt

I'm a developer, international speaker and coach/trainer. I love to discuss code, software architecture and distributed systems, messaging, star wars and lego with anyone who wants to listen or speak.
I currently work at Particular Software on NServiceBus.

Secure databases SQL Server vs. Oracle

Via Steve Eichert I came across an article about database security. It’s based on sec...

Running Vista; Part 2

So I’m still running Vista and guess what… I got my first BSOD this morning! I can’t ...

Running Vista; Redmond, we have a problem

So I’m running Windows Vista. And although it’s running very smoothly itself, there a...

Downloading Vista RTM

Only 29 seconds left! I’m downloading Vista off of MSDN right now at a speedy 2.6 meg...

Refactor! Pro goodness Safe rename

Renames a nonprivate method or property in the class in a manner that does not break...

WCF Part 5 Consuming the service

Last time we generated the client and configuration file. Whereas in the asmx world w...

Refactor it!

Now this is a great initiative! Billy McCafferty is doing a weekly contest where he u...

Finding available callback tcp port for a WCF chat client

While having some fun writing a WCF chat application, I was having some troubles. I w...

Bitslapping contest LX vs Compile on Test integration in VS2005, part 2 response

Well, it seems Alex took things seriously and is slapping his bitstick around. Think...