Dennis van der Stelt

Dennis van der Stelt

I'm a developer, international speaker and coach/trainer. I love to discuss code, software architecture and distributed systems, messaging, star wars and lego with anyone who wants to listen or speak.
I currently work at Particular Software on NServiceBus.

Employers don’t need a recruiter

Employers don’t need a recruiter

How come that companies hire recruiters to find new developer employees for them? App...

SDN Event June 14th

SDN Event June 14th

For SDN Event of June 14th I did two presentations Transactions Why are transactions ...

The comparison between software development and construction fails

The comparison between software development and construction fails

We’ve all seen the comparison between development work and constructing buildings. I ...

SDN Event March 18th

SDN Event March 18th

For March 18th I did two presentations Data replication or data duplication As system...

Colored console tracelistener for Enterprise Library 5.0

Colored console tracelistener for Enterprise Library 5.0

At work we’ve been using Enterprise Library for quite some time. A new colleague came...

Databases and coupling

Databases and coupling

We probably all learned this at school. When you build software, you analyze requirem...

Bing Maps on WPF and custom PushPin tutorial for PixelSense

Bing Maps on WPF and custom PushPin tutorial for PixelSense

I’ve just came back from a trip to Washington DC, where I’ve been at the 50th IAM Int...

High availability

High availability

We’ve had a lot of success applying the principles and practices of the Advanced Dist...

The 11th Fallacy of Enterprise Computing

The 11th Fallacy of Enterprise Computing

This is an old article by Ted Neward that I’ve been trying to find for ages, as the o...