Dennis van der Stelt

Dennis van der Stelt

I'm a developer, international speaker and coach/trainer. I love to discuss code, software architecture and distributed systems, messaging, star wars and lego with anyone who wants to listen or speak.
I currently work at Particular Software on NServiceBus.

New Bloggers

We’ve got some new bloggers joining here at Wasabi. First there’s Rob van der Meijen ...

New skins for .Text – LuxInterior

Gosatango has created a new skin for .Text, called LuxInterior. It’s a really nice sk...

Offline due to powerloss

The weblogs were offline some time today, because the power went down. A large region...

dotNED meeting with Juval and Ingo

I was at the dotNED meeting yesterday in Purmerend. dotNED organized this because the...


I’m kinda busy, so I haven’t blogged about yesterday evening yet. But one thing that ...

Design for Operations with Whitehorse

There’s a nice article from the MSDN Mag put online on MSDN. It’s about Whitehorse, w...

BlogJet & .Text

Thanks to Dmitry, creator of BlogJet, after contacting Scott, creator of .Text, our b...


A new example application by Microsoft has been released on MSDN. I haven’t looked at...

Enhancing user experience with pictures

I’m constantly looking for ways to enhance user experience on the applications I buil...