Dennis van der Stelt

Dennis van der Stelt

I'm a developer, international speaker and coach/trainer. I love to discuss code, software architecture and distributed systems, messaging, star wars and lego with anyone who wants to listen or speak.
I currently work at Particular Software on NServiceBus.

What is messaging

What is messaging

I’ve written in SDN Magazine about messaging and how it relates to RPC. It isn’t abou...

CQRS Journey taking community contributions

Microsoft Patterns & Practices team has started a journey to CQRS with the idea to cr...

Visual Studio 11 Unit tests

It’s the small things that easily make me a happy boy. Adding a unit test to a test p...

Template Method Pattern advanced example

This blogpost is part of a series Template Method Pattern explanation Template Method...

Template Method Pattern example

This blogpost is part of a series Template Method Pattern explanation Template Method...

Template Method Pattern explanation

This blogpost is part of a series Template Method Pattern explanation Template Method...

NServiceBus synchronously

DISCLAMER Do NOT do this! It’s bad! This article is just here for reference. But se...

How to unit test a method that has void as return type

How do I test a method that returns void? For example a method like this. public void...

Locking in SQL Server and the nolock and readpast hints

I’ve written about transactions, the TransactionScope in .NET before. System.Transact...