BloggingAbout.NET Upgrade Notification
It’s finally going to happen, BloggingAbout.NET is upgrading to Community Server 2.0.
In the past we installed some functionality to be able to upload files and images, using a somewhat adjusted web based backend. It’s a long story, but in the end we cannot just tear down this functionatlity because Community Server simply does not support this. It does support uploading files and images in version 2.0, but those are uploaded to the gallery. And as we want to keep the gallery somewhat clean, we’re not really into upload all kinds of tiny screenshots. So that was the main problem, but we’re happy to say we solved it now.
This will result in the near future in some downtime. We expect the upgrade to take up an hour or so. So if your RSS Reader reports an error or the site itself shows a lot of errors or no pages at all, don’t start to panic. 😉
Oh, by the way, because we seriously can’t wait any longer to upgrade, we’re upgrading to the default CS skin with the little green tree in the upper left corner. If anyone feels like creating a logo, don’t hesitate to contact me and draw us something nice!