Cloud service in Azure Speedtraps
For the 828 event next Thursday I’m developing some examples. One of them is where I get all speed traps (Flitsers in Dutch) from http://www… a source that I won’t mention here. I then want to expose these via WCF via SOAP and REST. Of course this will be so extremely popular, that I have to use Windows Azure and be able to scale immensely so you folks won’t miss out on the latest speed traps.
Anyway, after first writing “w00t” in the cloud, I now got my first WCF service in the cloud which actually does something.
You can find the REST version here:
And the root location, including MEX and WSDL stuff right here:
Unfortunately you won’t be able to add a reference (proxy class) because of some internal stuff going wrong inside Azure. But maybe I’ll supply you in the future with that as well, and even a client application. Maybe I’ll create an syndicated version of it, but for now you can read the REST version and use it in your own apps. I have no idea how long this will run though.