Twikini, the mobile twitter client
I’ve owned a Windows Mobile for some time, currently the HTC Tytn which sure is up for replacement. But I’m really waiting for the HTC Touch Pro 2 or the HTC Hero or something. With internet on it, it’s great to have the ability to check your email, search the internet when you’re waiting or be able to find customer addresses or something. And of course the ability to tweet about what you’re doing.
For that I’ve been using Twikini for some time, and I love its features. It’s really fast, as it’s written in Native C++ for maximum performance. The menu is also laid out very well and you have the ability to create a tweet and add a twitpic with your camera while you’re at it. This ability makes it wonderful to tweet about special events with family or friends and when you see something exciting happening on the road.
Trinket Software, creator of Twikini also has some other great applications. When you buy Twikini for only $ 4.95 you’ll get an additional application for free. Or, if you blog about Twikini like I just did, you get it for free! 🙂
More info and downloads right here :