naï, né, pù shi, nò, nej, ne, ei, tidak, nãom, Нет, nie, nage, non, nein, no or just a simple Dutch NEE!
After post 200 was about RotS, post 201 is about voting NO! today. I cannot believe why still so many people want to vote for the proposed constitution.
Some reasons, according to our government, who’s always trying to be the best kid in class, where the class is the EU:
- If we vote no, there will come a war.
- If we vote no, the economy will fall down for exactly one year.
- if we vote no, the Netherlands will look really bad in Brussel
- Because of the EU, Germany and France haven’t been at war for 60 years. The EU accomplished that.
- If we vote yes, we will not become a small part of a superstate, dominated by France, Germany and Britain.
- The Netherlands pays relatively the most money to the EU. Our government promised us to do something about it with the new constitution, but failed to do so. Only some vague guidelines were submitted. And when we take a look at the rules about every EU country it’s budget deficit, we all know what happened to those in the past. And those rules were/are clear!
- It has become clear that we should’ve never agreed on the Euro or at least how our own currency was rated.