Dennis van der Stelt

Dennis van der Stelt

I'm a developer, international speaker and coach/trainer. I love to discuss code, software architecture and distributed systems, messaging, star wars and lego with anyone who wants to listen or speak.
I currently work at Particular Software on NServiceBus.

CS again, Rob Howard responds

With so many people in the blogging community talking about .Text and wether it’s dea...

Dutch Developer Days 2005

So it’s official, I’m going to the Dutch Developer Days 2005. Seems I had the schedul...

Community Server Beta 3

So I just installed Community Server, Beta 3. I already have some minor problems, alo...

.Text 0.96 and bringing it further

Currently we’re using .Text 0.95 at BloggingAbout.NET. On some sites however, like we...

ReSharper, worth the try!

A while ago, Patrick Bes blogged about ReSharper, and that it’s such a wonderful tool...

Enterprise Library release

”Barring any major catastrophes, it is official.  On January 28th Enterprise Library ...

DSL Technology Preview & Walkthroughs

Last year a technology preview of the Microsoft Tools for DomainSpecific Languages w...

Test Driven Development

I’m becoming pretty interested in DDD (Domain Driven Design) and TDD (Test Driven Dev...

RSS & Readers – Which to choose?

Because of the interest in our company in our weblogs and the fact that still not a l...